CSGO NTN Cup 2021 Regulation
This Regulation structure sits in a fully online Tournament of the game "Counter Strike: Global Offensive", hereinafter referred to as "CS:GO". It is the first tournament organized by the Newteen Gaming division and has a solidarity strand!
Article 1
- The tournament is completely online, and players are fully responsible for their hardware and software and their good use, being the responsibility of Newteen the game server and its transmission;
- With 4 teams, the tournament will consist of semi-finals and finals, all BO3, held on April 24th and 25th. The semi-finals will occur on Saturday, 24th, between 1h30 pm and 8h30 pm, and the final will occur on Sunday 25th between 4h30pm and 8pm. All the games will be live streamed.
- In case there are 6 or more participating teams, the tournament will be held between 20 and 25 April, in addition to the previous point the hours from 20:30 to 23:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (20, 21, 22 and 23 April). In this mode only the semi-finals and final will be streamed live.
- The timeline is set to GMT Lisbon time;
- This competition will have live streaming on Youtube, Twitch and Facebook;
- The broadcast will have the presence of a cast;
- Each team consists of 5 elements + 1 spare element (optional) The spare element cannot enter in the game between same match maps;
- The team shall be considered not in a position to compete if it does not have at least 4 players on the match day;
- The same element may not be registered in 2 different teams, in the same Tournament;
- Elements related to the organization of the tournament are not allowed to participate in it;
- The team members are of any nationality and region of the globe, and the responsibility of the quality of the connection to the server will be borne by them;
- Team members must be 18 years of age or older. The age information must be validated by providing us a legal id document copy;
- Each element will have, at the time of registration, to provide the organization with following registration data: Name, Nickname, Steam ID, date of birth, nationality, city and current rank vs maximum rank;
- The non-assignment of all the elements mentioned above or its falsification means the non-admission of the team to the Tournament;
Article 2
- Registration has a cost of 25 € and will revert to a solidarity cause, “A Cama Solidária, from the “Os Solitários” solidarity group;
- The team has the option to donate more than the amount required for the association, without any benefit, being a totally altruistic act and without disclosing the act before or during the Tournament;
- During the transmission, a way of raising monetary values will be made available directly to the movement “Cama Solidária!” “Solidarity”;
- All amounts will be raised without exception to institution “Cama Solidária” (“Os Solidários”);
- The registration and payment information is on "" website;
- Registration can be made until the end of 17th of April;
- Registrations are made on a first-come, first-served basis and limited to up to 8 teams;
- The registration’s payment has to be made until 72h after receiving the documentation or until the closure time of the registration, otherwise the team in question will be disqualified, and the registration will only be validated when the payment is confirmed;
- Non-payment of registration means the non-admission of the respective team to the Tournament;
- After confirmed payment of the total amount corresponding to registration and possible donation, there will be no refunds in case of withdrawal, and a team may replace a maximum of 2 players up to 24h of the 1st game to be held by the team in the Tournament;
- Exceptionally, an alternate team will be admitted after the closing of registrations if one of the teams is not validated;
- Registration in the Tournament presupposes the reading, understanding and acceptance of all terms in this document;
- The registration in this Tournament presupposes the transfer of the rights to all images, videos and audios of the game, comments and interviews that may be made for live or later transmission, names, Nicknames, nationality and ranks assigned at the time of registration, aftermovie of the tournament, its dissemination on social networks and channels of the Newteen Association and on its official website;
Article 3
- The structure of the tournament is planned depending on the number of teams in it;
- A match shall be considered the number of rounds required until one of the teams reaches 16 rounds except in the event of a tie;
- In the event of a 15-15 draw at the end of the 30 rounds, an overtime will be held, consisting of 6 rounds, 3 rounds on each side of the map, until a team achieves a majority in the 6 rounds and is declared a victory on the map. In case of another tie, the "overtime" is performed again and so on. The starting money on each side is $10,000;
- A match is considered the necessary set of maps until one of the teams wins a "Best of 3 maps (BO3)";
- With 4 teams, the tournament will consist of semi-finals and finals, all BO3, held on April 24th and 25th. The semi-finals will occur on Saturday, 24th, between 1h30 pm and 8h30 pm, and the final will occur on Sunday 25th between 4h30pm and 8pm. All the games will be live streamed.
- With 6 teams, the tournament will consist of 2 groups of 3 teams, with matches among all, the 1st place of each group participates in the final of the tournament. All matches will be BO3. Group matches will be held on Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd between 8h30pm and 11h30 pm, and Saturday 24th between 2h30pm and 8pm. The final will be played on 25th April, between 4h30pm and 8pm;
- With 8 teams, the tournament will consist exclusively of BO3 qualifiers until a final is reached. The quarter finals will be held on Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st, Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd between 8h30pm and 11h30 pm, semi finals on Saturday 24th between 2h30pm and 8pm and the final on 25th April, between 4h30pm and 8pm;
- In all cases the winning team of the final is the winner of the tournament. The defeated team in the final will be in 2nd place in the tournament.
- The draw will be held the day before the start of the tournament;
- In the case of a tournament with 4 or 8 teams, the draw is made randomly;
- In the case of a tournament with 6 teams, these will be distributed over 3 pots, pot 1 consisting of the teams with the best average of the player's current ranks, the rest are placed by the same reasoning in pot 2 and 3. The group will consist of 1 team from each existing pot;
- In the case of groups, each win corresponds to 3 points. The winner of the group goes to the final. In case of equal points the tiebreaker criteria will be as follows: in order, difference between number of maps won and lost, greater number of maps won, average difference between rounds won and lost in total maps played. In case of equality in all these criteria, there will be a tiebreaker match between the teams involved on only one map;
- Players must be present on the server to check the connection status 5 minutes before the start of each corresponding match;
- There will be a 2-minute tolerance for the player(s) who is not present at the exact time of the start of the match/map.
- Between each match there will always be a minimum break of 10 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes, regardless of possible delays that may occur in previous games.
Article 4
- Each player must have installed the latest version of CS:GO from Steam before they can connect to the game server;
- The game model to be used is based on the official CS:GO Matchmaking competitive with the appropriate exceptions to be presented in the following points;
- The Map pool consists of Dust 2, Inferno, Mirage, Train, Nuke, Vertigo and Overpass;
- To decide the maps to be played, the first team of the clash decided in the draw will start by removing a map that does not want to play, alternately with the other team of the match, and so on until 3 maps are available. These will be the maps to be played in the match.
- When the 3 maps are decided, the team that chose in 2nd place the map to be removed, chooses the first map of the 3 to be played, the other team chooses the second map, being only 1 available for the possible tiebreaker game.
- The map starts with a knife round, with randomly chosen sides, and the winning team of the round chooses which side the map starts on;
- In case of disconnection of a player, the present round is finished, and the game is paused at the end of the same;
- The player will have 5 minutes to reconnect to the game and continue the match, otherwise the match will resume with the remaining elements;
- In case of a third disconnection of the same player on the same map, it will not be allowed to enter the server on the map;
- Issues related to internet services will be analyzed at that time by the organization of the Tournament;
- Each team has access to 1 timeout of 1 minute per map;
- Shorthanded loser income in the gambling economy will not be considered in this tournament;
- In case 2 players from the same team are disconnected on the same map of the match, it is considered a 16-0 win for the other team on that map;
- Only default Skins will be allowed on the player avatar of each map, and weapon skins and their Stickers, Gloves and Knives, in addition to Graffiti, will be allowed;
- The use of Music Kits at the end of each round will be prohibited;
THEArticle 5
- The representative of each team should be aware of the #ntn-cup-chat text channel throughout the day and can chat with the organization through Discord or WhatsApp whenever necessary.
- Any urgent question that is necessary to clarify, the organization will contact the representative of the concerning team(s) via WhatsApp or Discord;
- The proven use of macros, the use of any form of cheats, hacks, constant exploit of bugs or misuse of mechanisms that give undue competitive advantage to a team will give rise to the removal of the team from the tournament without any refund or reclaim;
- In case of reasoned suspicion of any of the previously mentioned irregularities, the player may be invited to share his screen to the Discord channel of the Tournament or even to connect a webcam or device with the same effect to film the screen on which he is playing for evaluation of the suspect activity;
- Any lack of respect, toxicity or inappropriate behavior of one of the elements in any way involved in the Tournament or in its viewing, will always be analyzed by the organization, which may lead to the exclusion of the element /team from the Tournament;
- The organization of the Tournament will have the demos of all saved matches, in order to review any suspected cheat after the Tournament, and may sanction any team based on the points mentioned above;
Article 6
1st Place / for each player:
- Official tournament t'shirt with winner customization.
- Official tournament mouse mat with winner customization.
- NGS GMX-100 gaming mouse.
- Official Tournament 8Gb Pendrive.
- Official tournament medal with winner customization.
2nd Place / for each player:
- Official tournament t'shirt.
- Official tournament mouse mat.
- Official Tournament 8Gb Pendrive
- Official tournament medal with a second place customization.
MVP / Most Valuable Player:
- Razer DeathAdder Essential Gaming Mouse.
- Official tournament t'shirt with MVP customization (The personalization will be added in the participation or winner’s t’shirt).
- Official tournament mouse mat (If the MVP is in one of the teams classified in first or second place, we will add the personalization in the mouse mat).
- Official tournament medal with MVP customization.
The MVP of the tournament will be the player with most score sum in all the participating matches. To be a fair contest, in all the cases that a BO3 match has the 3 maps at contest, it will be only considerated the best 2 scores out of the 3 maps.
Participation prize: Official tournament T'shirt for everyone that participates in, at least, one match;
If one or more players from each team live in Greater Porto region, one of them will be responsible for the collection of the team's prizes at the Newteen Association facilities, after being properly notified for it, within 14 days;
If something is out of stock or any motive unrelated to Newteen Gaming, the prizes can suffer modifications to equivalent or superior. The registered members will be notificated;
Article 7
- Any upcoming situation ommited in this regulation or Newteen’s platform will be analyzed and decided by the organization of this Tournament;
- The proposal for an agreement between 2 teams can always be examined if there is unanimity of all elements directly involved and organization;
- In case of any doubt, the concerning matter should always be clarified with the organization of the Tournament;