The “Solidarity Bed” is one of the many initiatives of the “Os Solidários” group. A movement that brings together several causes around a common variable, the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. They started at a resting point for health professionals outside a hospital, today they distribute computers and food, among many other things, love and affection. But let's move on to the beginning of this story.

It all started in January 2021, full chaos in Portuguese hospitals, mainly in the south of the country, lines of ambulances, full hospitals, sick people waiting for an eternity and exhausted health professionals. This scenario motivated the action of a group of solidary heroes to join efforts to collect motorhomes. The goal? A space to rest without having to live with the family and may be infected, a meal and hygiene point, words of comfort.

After the dissemination of this project, aid was not expected and hundreds of caravans and several dozens of houses were given. Then, means of transport! Even the question of staying in a caravan in spaces not dedicated to this was resolved with EMEL. Caravans are spread throughout hospitals, donations begin and companies arrive to assist and join the movement. Food goods begin to be donated and the Solidarity Bed directs them to the most appropriate destination. 

Fortunately, the number of patients in hospitals has started to fall, but the struggle is far from won and ended, since there are the “indirect victims of Covid”, the unemployed, those who are close to losing their roof, those who count the pennies to feed. 

But this group is not only intense in its help, but it is also versatile. To prove that the power of the imagination is limitless, they spread what is solidarity to other aspects, there is also the “Computer Solidarity”. Classes are suspended, students return home, many with no means to follow classes online. This initiative aims to raise computers for those who do not have the possibility of having a computer support that allows a decent learning. 

The Solidary Voice appears, a number to alleviate loneliness, give a word of support, fight depression, in short, everything that the power of the voice and the word can do. 

The “Solidarity Neto”, who provides assistance to the elderly in a situation of precariousness in this difficult time, when they face numerous difficulties of various amplitudes.

“Solidary Time”, the urgent help given to those who run out of time to help, in this case, Leonor and Jaime, brothers who fight together against their illnesses. 

The “Sangue Solidário”, dissemination of blood collection centers active in this phase of the pandemic, to restore hospital reserves. 

The “Solidarity Culture”, a movement to help those who live on the income of culture, which has been completely set aside, without events and shows, often without support, but which cannot let the curtain close. 

All these initiatives have a common denominator, Solidarity, what they take in their name, in their heart and in their mind, defeating tiredness day after day, leading those who need the proper support and assistance. To this army driven by good will, Newteen thanks the support of all citizens and is helping them to help, building from scratch what will be the first of many tournaments and initiatives in gaming and e-sports, and of solidary content. ! All monetary values collected between registrations, donations at the event and others will be entirely handed over to this group of brave people to help them in their mission. In addition to the varied advantages of gaming, it can also help those who do not enjoy it, it can also be Solidarity!

So, to help this cause, use and abuse these numbers: 

IBAN: PT50001000003584309000178

MBWay: 937458548


And don't forget, stay tuned to the page where you can follow all the points of donations to leave your contribution and your mark on this wave!

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